Spiritual Identity #1

Are you feeling hollow?

You can’t explain why? Or what?

You feel empty… exhausted from overthinking

No results

Not getting anywhere…

Relationships aren’t serving you

You’re not being the best version of yourself

Confused about the belief systems laid on you

Even more conflict when adopting some of your own gems?

You’ve done your checklist: eat, drink water, meditate, sleep, called a friend?

Once this is done it’s just you. You’re alone and can’t focus on one thing for too long. Procrastination and anxiety. Delving on the past and way too much projection. The future is not completely in your control and you realise that the present moment isn’t either.

So what, you escape! From Hero to zero. You achieved nothing positive.

I’m not grateful so I prepared a rhyme.

“I thought of love, I thought of Grace, I thought of people I wanted to chase. The list was long and out of tune , it didn’t go well and I felt life ain’t easy and not gonna be perfect anytime soon.”

Find out what your true core values are by writing out the stuff you like in life. For each one see how you and society benefit from them. Scale your values from highest to lowest. Get a diary and implement the actions related to these values. Write out a list of activities which you NEED to do but don’t want to. Find synergies within each activity towards your values. If you manage to do this and raise your frequency through meditation, good food, clean water, rose oil, herbs, higher organic plant based diet, stretch and excersise…. wooohh big list…..you’ll feel the love and you will most likely respond with love. This is how I’m finding GRACE !! A day at a time.

You may also start to see synergies around you. Everything starts to blend and the duality of life doesn’t contain as much adversity over time. You know the duality is there but you just accept everything for what it is.

Today on International Mental Health Day Please ask your friends and anyone you feel needs HELP today , “Are you alright today?” “Would you like to talk about it?”

“Let’s sit down and have a coffee and chat”

You’ll be surprised how many people who are asking others if they are ok will actually get more help for themselves.

I’ll leave you with some interesting facts about the Frequency of your body and coffee.

Stay Well

Lots of Love



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